Chamada de artigos para a revista “The University of Chicago Law Review – fluxo contínuo (Qualis A1; CiteScore 4.9; SJR 0.582)”.

Chamada de artigos para a revista “The University of Chicago Law Review – fluxo contínuo (Qualis A1; CiteScore 4.9; SJR 0.582)”.


Fonte: The University of Chicago Law Review

Submissions to The Law Review 

The University of Chicago Law Review accepts submissions through Scholastica. We encourage authors to create an account and submit to our journal here. Alternatively, you may email us your manuscript for publication in The Law Review at

The Law Review also accepts proposals for Book Reviews. If you have a forthcoming book that you would like to be reviewed, or a book review you would like published, please submit via the same process for articles described above.


We review and accept articles year-round on a rolling basis. Our editors carefully consider every article regardless of when it is submitted, and we encourage all authors to submit their works to us whenever they believe they are suitable for publication.

The Law Review occasionally solicits feedback on submissions from scholars who are expert in their field. Please be aware that this peer review is part of the standard review process that your article may undergo. Before sending an article out for peer review, we remove information that identifies the author, although the reviewer may be familiar with the article if it has been presented at a workshop or conference or circulated online. We never disclose the names of our peer reviewers or share their reviews with the author.

Our editors always seek to review articles within a few weeks after receiving them, but it might take longer to reach a decision when submission volumes are high. If we are unable to extend a publication offer, we will notify the author promptly.

When The Law Review  decides to publish an article, we contact the author immediately to extend an offer.

If the author needs additional time to decide whether to accept an offer of publication, we will likely grant an extension.

Light Edit Policy

The Law Review is proud to employ a light edit policy. The editors believe strongly that both the argument and the voice of a manuscript should be the creations of the author. Our edits are intended to hone the author’s vision, rather than replace it with our own.

After our first round of substantial editing, we return a redlined copy of the manuscript to the author showing all changes that we have made. Substantial edits are accompanied by substantive comments or questions. Our changes are meant as reasoned suggestions, not editorial edicts, and we will respect the author’s judgment regarding whether the changes should be made.

Expedited Review

Please let us know if you have received an offer of publication from another journal and would like us to expedite our review of your article. If you submitted your article through Scholastica, you can log in to your account and indicate that you need an expedited decision. You may also contact The Law Review at Please include your name, the title of your article, the name of the journal that has extended an offer to publish your article, and the date and time that their offer expires.

The Law Review will attempt to honor all requests for an expedited review. We are not always able to respond personally to each request because of the large number of expedited review requests we receive and the limited time frame that we have to complete the review.


We appreciate if you are able to let us know that you have decided to withdraw your article from consideration. If you submitted your article through Scholastica you may log into your account and withdraw the article. Or you can email The Law Review at Please include your name and the title of your manuscript.

Thank you again for considering The University of Chicago Law Review. We look forward to reading your submissions!



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